Nathans Favorite Things...

  • Reading books. Playing with his toy cars & tools. Being outside. Dancing. Watching Spongebob & The Flintstones. Eating (Anything!). His Nana & Aunt Kim. His Mommy & Daddy. Smiling & Flirting.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas Time is Near!!

My Mommy & Daddy are very excited for my 1st Christmas!! Although they tell me I won't remember it at all, Mommy saids it's gonna be great. I know I'll go see all my family & I've been told that I'm gonna get a million new clothes, books, & toys..I surely can't wait to be able to play with toys. I'm starting to babble & laugh all the time, but Mommy just wishes she spoke baby! I'm also almost 13 lbs & Mommy wonders where these past 4 months have gone so quickly. I'm slowy turning into a daddy's' boy..I keep one eye on him everytime he's around me & I love to snuggle with him & Mommy too! I've been sleeping great lately, but I hate being woke up when I'm just not ready to wake up!! Now I'm starting to teethe & Mommy wants to cry when I'm upset from a hurting mouth. She's been giving me teething caplets & their helping with my pain..I love this great baby life I live..
My Playdate with my older cousin Landon..don't we look so cute?!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Sweet Baby Life

Saturday, November 28th, I spent the night at Pawpaws & Mawmaws'. Pawpaw loves messing with my nose & he gives me yummy suckers! I had a great night and even saw Pawpaw drive a tractor. I can't wait till I can ride with Pawpaw in the rollback. Sunday we had Turkey lunch at my great-grandparents house. I got to meet even more of my huge family. I was amazed with all the pretty girls with all their long hair! Thursday Mommy gave me some banana baby food & I loved it! And now I have a bumbo seat & I'm learning to sit up like a big boy. Friday I got to sit in my cowboy jumperoo & listen to the horsey noises. I'm not so sure about it yet though. Friday I also went with Mommy & Daddy to a Habatii restaurant and I was a very good boy while Mommy & Daddy ate their dinner. My Mommy's' been back at work for 3 weeks now & she's working more hours then she would like & she still hates to leave me for the day. But I get to stay with my Granny, Nana, & Mawmaw so she knows I'm safe, well taken care of, & have a great time. I'm one very spoiled little boy!


About Me

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I'm 21. Married to Jason since 9-16-06, love being a wife and 1st time mommy.